While there aren't a lot of options when it comes to target throwers hunters alike have always been in a bit of a dilemma on what type of thrower would suit their style best. Target throwers are not that complex but when it comes for beginners to get one it sure makes them scratch their heads before heading to the store. This is because there are a lot of models that offer similar features making it even harder for a newbie like you to find what they're looking for. But what if you don't even know what to get? Well, to get you started we have explained the three target throwers.

The automatic target thrower is the most convenient machine which allows you to practise on your own. They are usually powered by a 12V battery and can be set to do the job completely on their own or via a wireless controller. While automatic clay target throwers are more expensive if you are someone who wants to do this professionally getting one will definitely pay off. Keep in mind that this bad boy is a hassle to carry around and they also require a lot more storage room than the other two. Because of the form factor, they can store up to 50 targets at a time.
A go-to option for all beginners is the manual target thrower, which unlike the automatic one but it doesn't make practising that easy. There are some that feature a seat on them but they aren't as convenient as automatic ones and you still need someone to use them. A feature that a lot of beginners will like is the fact that they can throw 2 and sometimes 3 clay targets at a time. Some are even capable of using tin cans as the target instead of a clay pigeon - these are called multifunctional throwers.

There are three types of manual throwers: step-trap, string-release and the seated-trap thrower I mentioned earlier. The step-tarp allows one person to do the loading and the shooting, whilst the string release thrower works simply by pulling the string on the machine. The seated-trap thrower, however, despite being the most convenient out of the three, requires one more person to feed the machine with clays.

The cheapest solution and the one that has the least amount of tech put into it is the handheld thrower. With these clay target throwers, you determine at what speed and angle the target is thrown, making it the most versatile thrower but one that will make your hand feel sore at the end of the day. But before you or your buddy start swinging it you need to practice. You are also limited to the number of targets you can chuck at a time, which is only one.